Cilento - SCI Monti Alburni (IT8050033)
Hectares: 23621.62
Other protection status: The SCI is superimposed on an SPA called "Alburni" (IT8050055).
Abiotic conditions
The limestone massif of Alburni has a roughly rectangular shape with NW-SE direction, slopes are very steep on the north-eastern side, the altitudes vary between 200 and 1742 meters above sea level of the Mount Alburno.
In climatic terms, the Alburni Mountains are mostly included in the temperate region, while a Mediterranean climate is found only at the base of the mountain range. According to the classification of Rivas-Martínez the thermotypes range from mesomediterranean to supratemperate , and the ombrotypes from sub-humid to iperumid.
The margins of the massif of the Alburni result from faults in mainly vertical movement . The massif is mainly composed of Jurassic-Cretaceous limestones. Along the perimeter of the highest massive plateau outcrops of tertiary arenaceous-pelitic rocks occur. In the plateau karst processes are evident.
The forests dominated by beech are the most widespread category of land cover. These are mostly thermophilous beech forests typical of southern Italy (Anemono apenninae-Fagetum sylvaticae) relatively rich in species due to the presence of rare and endemic species of southern Italy, such as Acer lobelii. The beech is often accompanied not only by Acer lobelii but also by Quercus cerris, Alnus cordata, Acer obtusatum, Taxus baccata and Ilex aquifolium .
The beech forests found at higher altitudes are partly different (these are referred to the association Ranunculo brutii-Fagetum sylvaticae) with a low frequency of tree species other than beech and a lower abundance of shrubs.
Other common forest types in the area are dominated by Quercus cerris, Ostrya carpinifolia and Castanea sativa.
Dry grasslands dominated by Bromus erectus are widespread on calcareous substrates, while mesic grasslands dominated by Brachypodium rupestre or Cynosurus cristatus occur mainly on clay soils .
The variety of habitats that characterize the Alburni massif is reflected on the large number of animal species that inhabit them, which include several species related to caves, such as bats. Also carnivorous mammals are common such as Wolf (Canis lupus) and Wild Cat (Felis silvestris). The ornithofauna is very rich and characterized by migratory species, birds of prey and birds nesting in open environments (Caprimulgus europaeus , Lullula arborea), and in forest areas (Ficedula albicollis, Dryocopus martius) .
Among the amphibians it is important to mention the occurrence of the Apennine toad (Bombina pachypus), the southern salamander (Salamander terdigitata) and the Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex ). Finally, among the reptiles several species occur (e.g. Chalcides chalcides, Zamenis longissimus, Lacerta bilineata). Some rare invertebrates characterize the SCI, such as Coenagrion mercuriale, Melanargia arge, Cerambyx cerdo, and Vertigo moulinsiana.